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Vous cherchez un endroit pour lire des livres électroniques complets sans téléchargement ? Vous pouvez lire ici Numerical Methods for Chemical Engineers Using Excel, VBA, and MATLAB. Vous pouvez aussi lire et télécharger les nouveaux et les anciens complets E-Books. Profitez et relax complet Numerical Methods for Chemical Engineers Using Excel, VBA, and MATLAB documentation en ligne de lecture. . CLIQUEZ ICI POUR TÉLÉCHARGER CE LIVRE GRATUITEMENT

While teaching the Numerical Methods for Engineers course over the last 15 years, the author found a need for a new textbook, one that was less elementary, provided applications and problems better suited for chemical engineers, and contained instruction in Visual Basic® for Applications (VBA). This led to six years of developing teaching notes that have been enhanced to create the current textbook, Numerical Methods for Chemical Engineers Using Excel®, VBA, and MATLAB®.

Focusing on Excel gives the advantage of it being generally available, since it is present on every computer—PC and Mac—that has Microsoft Office installed. The VBA programming environment comes with Excel and greatly enhances the capabilities of Excel spreadsheets. While there is no perfect programming system, teaching this combination offers knowledge in a widely available program that is commonly used (Excel) as well as a popular academic software package (MATLAB). Chapters cover nonlinear equations,


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